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How Security Doors and Screens Can Benefit Your Home During Summer

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Installing security screens and doors is a great way to maximise the safety of your home, but did you know that high quality security screens and doors offer many benefits besides protection from a break in, and many of the benefits are on full display during the warm summer months? At Nu Style Shutters, we have over 20 years’ experience in the installation of custom screens and doors for homes throughout Perth. Let’s take a look at how our security solutions allow you to stay safe and enjoy summer a little bit more.

They Allow Natural Ventilation

Many people think air-conditioning systems are the only way to keep a home cool in summer. However, there is another option that is much more environmentally friendly and affordable. Security doors and window screens allow you to open your doors and windows and let fresh air to flow through your home. This natural ventilation helps to keep the inside your home at a pleasant temperature without the need for blasting air-conditioning systems and fans. Natural airflow can also help to prevent mould growth inside your home caused by summer humidity, ensuring your family stays healthy.

They Help to Block Out Intense Heat

Scorching summer sunlight can easily penetrate through windows, even when they are closed, and this can make your home uncomfortably hot. While internal window furnishings can be used to block out light and heat, these also completely block out your views to the outside. Security screens and doors allow you to enjoy some natural light without being exposed to intense heat. The mesh design filters up to 50% of solar heat gain and UV rays, protecting your home from becoming hot and unpleasant.

They Keep Pests Out

Opening windows and doors is a great way to let in a little summer warmth and breeze, however, this is also an invitation for pesky flies, mosquitoes and other insects to enter your home and cause damage, pain, and even spread diseases. Security screens allow you to open your windows and doors throughout the warmer months with the peace of mind of knowing your home won’t be invaded by annoying bugs and pests.

They Protect Your Windows from Extreme Weather

Summer is a beautiful time of year, but it can also be the time when extreme weather events can hit. Tropical cyclones and bushfires can cause catastrophic damage to your home, but window screens will ensure that your windows remain in-tact in the event of cyclonic winds or tropical storms. They will also help to protect your home from fire damage if you live in a bush-fire prone area.

They Secure Your Home While You Are On Holidays

Summer is the time of year many of us pack up and head off on a well-deserved break. Whether it’s a beachside getaway or a country camping adventure, many homes are often left unoccupied for days or even weeks by happy holiday-makers. Custom security doors screens and doors made from premium materials, will keep your home safe and secure when you are away enjoying your summer holidays. Security screen doors deter and protect from break-ins, so that you can relax and really enjoy your holiday without the worry of having your possessions stolen.  

At Nu Style Shutters, our security screen options adhere to the strictest Australian standards and undergo vigorous testing to ensure they will withstand a break-in attempt or severe weather. Our team will offer a comprehensive, no obligation quote so that you can truly relax and enjoy all that summer has to offer. Get in touch with us today by calling 1300 798 776 or get a quote online now.

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